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10 Tips for Staying Healthy for the Holidays

10 Tips for Staying Healthy for the Holidays - SOL✿CBD

November is already underway, so it’s officially holiday season. With this time of the year comes a quality time with friends and family, and (of course): lots and lots of food. While it’s perfectly fine to overindulge once in a while, it’s important to be mindful of what you are eating and its effect on your health.

Compiled below are 10 tips for staying healthy and fighting temptation this holiday season.

1. Eat mindfully, not mindlessly

With temptation galore and endless amounts of delicious food, it can be easy to lose sight of your health goals. This is why it’s very important to eat mindfully, rather than mindlessly. Be mindful of every bite you take and enjoy it. Focus on enjoying each mouthful, rather than what your next meal or snack will be.

2. Listen to your body

When eating, listen to your body. When it tells you that you are full, listen and stop eating. This will help to prevent overeating as well as allay the discomfort and regret that tends to come along with it. By practicing listening to your body’s signals you will learn exactly how much food your body needs.

3. Plan ahead

Healthy for the Holidays: Plan ahead

Even though planning ahead may take a little more effort, it’s essential for staying healthy during the holidays. By planning your meals, you will be able to maintain a steady calorie intake. This will help your body remain in equilibrium and at optimum health levels.

In addition, you can plan your workouts ahead of time. While it’s easy to fall off the health wagon during the holidays, by maintaining your diet and exercise regimen you’ll start the new year ahead of the rest of the crowd.

4. Keep a food diary

It can be easy to forget how much food you’ve eaten during the holiday season, especially when you’re traveling between different houses and parties. But by tracking what food you eat and when you can learn to better listen to your body and how it responds to certain foods. You can simply write the foods down in a notebook or you can use an on or offline food-tracker or calorie-counter.

5. Bring your own food

Healthy for the Holidays: Bring your own food

If you know in advance that healthy choices won’t be an option, then consider bringing your own food to munch on. This way, you’ll still be able to enjoy the festivities without compromising your health.

Plus, your friends and family may love your healthy dishes so much that they incorporate them into the holidays next year!

6. Eat a healthy snack before going out

Having a healthy snack in your belly before going out to any gatherings or parties will help to curb your appetite and prevent you from overeating unhealthy foods later. You can also pack a healthy snack, such as carrots or celery, to munch on in between events.

7. Fill your plate with low-calorie foods first

When choosing foods, opt for low-calorie foods first. Fill your plate up with healthy, low-calorie foods such as veggies, salads, and lean proteins. This way, you’ll fill up primarily on healthy items and have room to spare for dessert!

8. Everything in moderation

The holidays are full of temptation, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You can still eat your favorite holiday foods as long as you eat in moderation. Instead of eating two slices of pie for dessert, just eat one.

9. Control your portions

Healthy for the Holidays: Portion control

By eating the correct portion size, you’ll be able to enjoy all of your favorite foods and have room for the rest.

Instead of scooping three huge helpings of mashed potatoes onto your plate, try a properly portioned half-cup. You can always eat more if you’re still hungry.

10. Relax

The holidays can be a very stressful season in itself, so try not to stress your body and mind out even more by worrying too much. It’s ok to eat a slice of pie or have that extra helping of mashed potatoes as long as you don’t go overboard.

If stress and anxiety are major concerns for you this holiday season, click here to learn more about CBD and how it can help.


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