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CBD for Anxiety: How to Survive the COVID Crisis Stress-Free

CBD for Anxiety: How to Survive the COVID Crisis Stress-Free - SOL✿CBD

Even in the best of times, it is normal to worry a little—perhaps about your future or the well-being of a loved one. Add a global pandemic to the equation, and there is a whole lot more to be jittery about. 

“What if someone I love catches the virus?” “What if I end up in quarantine?” “Could I get laid off?” These questions and several other concerns are likely to have crossed your mind many times since the start of this pandemic, leaving you feeling anxious and uncertain about the future. It is important to remember that this is a normal response and that you are not alone. 

Anxiety is already the most common mental health disorder in the world. And as the coronavirus rages on, it is becoming even more common. According to a CDC report, symptoms of anxiety disorders in adults in the US are three times more common this year than during the second quarter of 2019. [1] (Click to tweet)

One of the remedies for anxiety is CBD.

Although it is normal to worry a bit and have anxious thoughts, anxiety can become a problem when it is constant and excessive. When this happens, it is crucial to find ways to combat it and mitigate its effects. 

While there is no definitive cure for anxiety at the moment, there are several drugs available to manage the condition. These drugs, however, cause numerous side effects and generally only provide short-term anxiety relief

Holistic approaches and remedies, on the other hand, have little to no side effects. What’s more, they offer loads of long-term benefits. One of these remedies for anxiety is CBD. In this article, we’ll tell you all about CBD and how it can help you combat anxiety in these uncertain times.

Table of Contents

1. COVID-Related Anxiety: Do You Have It?
2. Why Do You Need to Curb Your Anxiety?
    2.1 The Central Nervous System
    2.2 The Cardiovascular System
    2.3 The Immune System
    2.4 The Digestive System
    2.5 The Reproductive System
3. What Is CBD?
4. How Does CBD Affect Anxiety?
5. How Can You Use CBD to Soothe Your COVID-Related Anxiety?
    5.1 The Type of CBD Product to Use for Anxiety Relief
        5.1.1 CBD Oils and Tinctures
        5.1.2 CBD Edibles and Capsules
        5.1.3 Vape Pens
    5.2 The Right Dosage
6. Other Natural Remedies for Combatting COVID-Related Anxiety
    6.1 Essential Oils
    6.2 Tea
7. The Key to Staying Calm Amidst the Chaos




1. COVID-Related Anxiety: Do You Have It? 


Anxiety is the body’s normal response to stressful and dangerous situations—both real and perceived. A global pandemic that has claimed millions of lives and has drastically altered many others can surely qualify as a “stressful situation.” 

The body uses this response to help you become more alert and focused in such situations.

Here’s the interesting thing: 

A certain level of anxiety could increase your chances of survival during a pandemic. For instance, the increased focus and alertness help you remember and apply essential safety precautions such as hand-washing and social distancing. (Click to tweet)

A certain level of anxiety could increase your chances of survival during a pandemic.

However, as already mentioned, when anxiety becomes excessive and constant, it can have adverse effects on your body and cause more harm than good. As COVID-19 has brought a long list of issues to worry about, excessive and constant anxiety is more likely to occur. 

But how can you know when this happens? What are the signs that your COVID-related anxiety is becoming a problem? Here are the telltale signs of a troublesome level of anxiety:

  • Your thoughts are always centered on the coronavirus and COVID-19. You can’t seem to think about or concentrate on anything else.
  • These thoughts are affecting your routine and disrupting your daily activities. For example, you can’t go out in public; you isolate yourself unnecessarily; you have to take several breaks at work or during social activities to wash your hands obsessively; etc. 
  • You are having recurrent headaches. 
  • Your appetite is continuously low, and you find it challenging to eat.
  • You are having trouble sleeping.
  • You are using substances such as tobacco and alcohol excessively to quell your fears.

Certain conditions and situations can put you at a higher risk of developing anxiety and other mental health disorders during this time.

It is important to note that certain conditions and situations can put you at a higher risk of developing anxiety and other mental health disorders during this time. Some of them are:

  • Pre-existing mental health conditions.
  • Being at a higher risk of developing severe illness resulting from COVID-19, e.g., having an underlying cardiovascular disease.
  • Having to take care of a loved one affected by COVID-19.
  • Being a frontline health worker.
  • Social isolation, e.g., living all alone.
  • Substance abuse.

If you have one or more of the above risks, you need to be extremely conscious about your mental health, guard it, and seek help early.


2. Why Do You Need to Curb Your Anxiety?


When you feel scared, stressed, or anxious, your brain responds by releasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones are sometimes referred to as stress hormones. They help prepare your body for what is referred to as the "fight-or-flight" response. This response helps to protect you in dangerous situations during which you might have to defend yourself or flee.

Your brain, however, cannot always tell the difference between real danger and a perceived threat. As such, this response is sometimes triggered when it is not necessary. When this happens often—which is the case in a person who suffers from anxiety—it can have several harmful effects on the body.

Anxiety can have several harmful effects on the body.

This is why anxiety can be such a debilitating condition, especially when it becomes chronic. Apart from its psychological effects, such as excessive worry, fear, recurrent unpleasant thoughts, a sense of impending doom, and so on, it can cause serious physical consequences, negatively impacting several organ systems in your body. Here are some examples of the ways anxiety affects the human body.


2.1 The Central Nervous System


Anxiety can have several effects on your nervous system, including difficulty concentrating, decreased attentiveness, insomnia, headaches, decreased memory retention, etc. 

It gets worse: 

Studies have shown that anxiety can increase the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. [2]

RELATED: CBD & Alzheimer's: Is CBD a Better and Safer Option?


2.2 The Cardiovascular System


In the short term, anxiety can increase your heart rate, causing you to feel palpitations and even pain in your chest. Long term, it can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension. One particular study found that having an anxiety disorder can quadruple your risk of developing hypertension. [3]

Long-term anxiety can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular conditions and can weaken your immune system.


2.3 The Immune System


As cortisol is an immunosuppressant, long-term anxiety can suppress immune function. This is especially relevant at the moment because a weakened immune system increases your risk of a coronavirus infection or even colds and the flu and of developing severe disease.


2.4 The Digestive System


When your body goes into the “fight-or-flight” mode, vital activities that can help you survive a dangerous situation are boosted. In contrast, certain activities that are considered to be non-essential by your brain are relegated to the background or are even suppressed. 

Digestion is one of these “non-essentials.” Typically, when the stressful situation is over, activities go back to normal. But if your brain is continually releasing stress hormones because you are anxious, there is no respite. This leads to symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc. 

Here’s the worst part:

Additionally, research has shown a link between anxiety and chronic digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. [4]

Anxiety can negatively impact several organ systems in your body.

RELATED: The Therapeutic Potential of CBD Oil for IBS


2.5 The Reproductive System


Reproductive function is another function that is relegated to the background in the face of danger. As such, anxiety can lead to decreased libido and a loss of interest in sexual activity, reduced sperm count in males, and inhibition of ovulation in females.

So, anxiety can have devastating effects. But here is the good news. There are many remedies available today that can alleviate these symptoms. Of these, one of the most effective and the most extensively researched is a substance called CBD. (Click to tweet)


3. What Is CBD?


CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the hundreds of compounds found in the Cannabis sativa L. plant. Despite its origins, CBD doesn’t have psychoactive effects and therefore cannot cause a person to get “high” on its own. Those effects are primarily due to another component of cannabis plants called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 

But there is good news and its name is CBD!

What’s more, according to the WHO, you are not likely to become addicted to CBD. [5] 

On the contrary, studies have shown that CBD can help in the management of certain addictions. [6]

RELATED: What Does CBD Do to the Mind, Body, and Your Sleep?


4. How Does CBD Affect Anxiety?


The exact way in which CBD carries out its anxiolytic effects is not fully understood. It is suspected that its effects are due to an increase in serotonin levels, one of the “feel-good” hormones in your body. 

Although the exact mechanism remains unclear, several studies have shown that CBD can be quite effective in providing relief from anxiety(Click to tweet)

Several studies have shown that CBD can be quite effective in providing relief from anxiety.

RELATED: What You Didn't Know about CBD Oil & Mental Health

One such study was conducted on a group of people with social anxiety. They took CBD oil before a public speaking exercise, and they experienced significantly lower levels of anxiety and discomfort during the exercise. [7]

In another study done recently, CBD was administered to 72 adults, 47 of whom had anxiety as their primary complaint, and 25 had sleeping problems as their primary complaint. There was a resultant decrease in anxiety in up to 79% of the participants and improved sleep in up to 66% of them. [8]

Apart from anxiety, CBD can be used to provide relief from several other conditions, including difficulty sleeping, epilepsy, osteoarthritis, hypertension, skin conditions such as eczema, etc. (Click to tweet)

RELATED: CBD Oil for Sleep: How to Sleep Better


5. How Can You Use CBD to Soothe Your COVID-Related Anxiety?


If you are now considering using CBD to help quell your fears in this anxiety-triggering time, there are two significant factors to think about.

It's worth considering using CBD to help quell your fears in this anxiety-triggering time.


5.1 The Type of CBD Product to Use for Anxiety


From CBD gummies to CBD coffee, there are several forms of CBD products available in the market today, and manufacturers seem to get more creative every day. Here are a few options you can try out.

RELATED: How CBD Helped Me Win the Battle Against Panic Attacks and Anxiety


5.1.1 CBD Oils and Tinctures

CBD oil is taken sublingually. That means that a few drops are put under the tongue. The tiny capillaries there then absorb it, allowing it to enter your bloodstream and take effect. 

CBD oil, especially the liposomal kind, is one of the best options for dealing with anxiety.

RELATED: Advanced Liposomal CBD for Health

CBD oil, especially the liposomal kind, is one of the best options for dealing with anxiety. Not only does it have ultra-fast effects, which is an essential factor in times of severe anxiety, but it also usually has the highest concentration of CBD as compared to other forms, and its effects can last for several hours. (Click to tweet)

CBD tinctures are quite similar to CBD oils. They are both liquids and can be administered the same way. The difference between them is the extraction process and potency. Tinctures tend to be less potent than oils.

However, our 500mg Natural Tincture has been formulated with 1.8% total cannabinoids, making it an excellent choice for a consistent body-balancing dose of CBD in just a half dropper. If you would like to delight your taste buds every time you take a dose, try out our Pure CBD Tincture Cinnamint Flavor.

If you would like to delight your taste buds every time you take a dose, try out our Pure CBD Tincture Cinnamint Flavor.


5.1.2 CBD Edibles and Capsules

If you are looking for a fun and tasty experience, CBD edibles such as gummies, chocolates, and sweets are excellent choices. These, however, often have only minimal doses of CBD and generally come laden with added sugars.

That said, edibles are convenient and provide an easy way for thousands of people to consume CBD. One problem with edibles is that it’s very hard to dose efficiently, as there can be varying amounts of CBD in each edible that you take. So, if you’re looking to monitor your CBD dosage effectively, CBD capsules can provide a consistent dose, such as 15mg per capsule

Capsules allow you to experience the effects of CBD faster without you having to consume too many.

RELATED: CBD Oil vs. CBD Capsules—Which One Has the Most Health Benefits?


5.1.3 Vape Pens

Using a CBD vape pen is arguably the coolest-looking method of CBD administration. And vaping doesn’t just look cool; it is excellent for anxiety because it has an almost immediate effect. However, as compared to some other methods, its effects are generally short-lasting.

What’s the bottom line? 

No matter which form you choose to purchase, it is vital to ensure that you get it from trusted brands such as SOL*CBD that will provide you with products created only from extremely pure CBD untainted by contaminants such as THC and pesticides. CBD products tainted by contaminants are more likely to cause unwanted side effects and to be less effective.


5.2 The Right Dosage


The correct dosage of a CBD product for you would depend on several factors, such as the type of product, the condition you are trying to manage, your age, and your weight. You can consult your healthcare provider for advice on the ideal dose for you. Or, you can use an online dosage calculator to get an estimate.

The correct dosage of a CBD product for you would depend on several factors.

RELATED: CBD Dosage 101: What You Need to Know


6. Other Natural Remedies for Combatting COVID-Related Anxiety


Apart from CBD, several other research-backed substances can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Below are two of them.


6.1 Essential Oils


Hundreds of essential oils exist, and several of them have been found to have anxiolytic properties. For instance, numerous studies have shown that lavender oil can significantly decrease anxiety levels. [9] 

Apart from CBD, essential oils too can help decrease anxiety levels.

From rubbing a small amount of it on your wrists to spraying it around your house, there are several ways to enjoy the soothing effects of this sweet-smelling oil.


6.2 Tea


Have you ever felt an urge to make yourself or a loved one a nice cup of tea during a stressful situation? It turns out that there is a scientific basis for this, and it is called L-Theanine.

L-Theanine is an amino acid found mainly in tea leaves. This compound can reduce stress levels and help you relax. It does this by boosting the effects of GABA—a neurotransmitter that reduces stress—and inhibiting the action of anxiety-triggering receptors.

Tea can help reduce stress levels and increase relaxation. For an extra calming boost, add some CBD tincture to your tea!

RELATED: The Power of L-Theanine – 6 Ways It Can Improve Your Health


7. The Key to Staying Calm Amidst the Chaos


During this pandemic, we have several guidelines for protecting ourselves physically from COVID-19 illness. But protecting ourselves against mental health problems should also be a priority. CBD could be your greatest weapon in the battle against anxiety during these difficult times. (Click to tweet)

Check out our extensive collection of products and take a step toward supporting your mental health today.

CBD could be your greatest weapon in the battle against anxiety during these difficult times.


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The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

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Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD.

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