Cannabidiol (CBD) entered the mainstream in the mid-2000s and has been taking the market by storm. CBD really made a name for itself when it was shown to help young Charlotte Figi, who struggled with Dravet Syndrome, manage and control her seizures and drastically improve her quality of life.
We know that CBD has various health benefits and positive effects as Charlotte and many others have experienced, making it an incredibly popular choice among consumers today. But is CBD as safe as everyone makes it out to be? We are going to dive into this topic and much more in the following guide.
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Table of Contents:
1. Is CBD Oil Safe?
1.1 Benefits of CBD
1.2 Who Should Be Using CBD?
2. Should CBD Oil Be Used Daily?
2.1 Has CBD Been Declared Safe by the WHO?
3. Common CBD Oil Side Effects
4. Can You Take Too Much CBD?
5. Why the Delivery Method Matters
6. How to Store Your CBD Properly
7. Summary: Is CBD Oil Safe?
1. Is CBD Oil Safe?
Cannabidiol is generally well-tolerated by healthy individuals. The compound seems to offer a host of different benefits and effects. One of the most popular uses and also the reason its use is so widespread is its ability to calm the mind and body.
One study concluded that CBD may play a role as an alternative therapy in regard to managing and controlling the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders. [1]
Another reason so many are adding CBD to their cart is that it has shown incredible promise to relieve arthritis symptoms such as pain, stiffness, swelling, soreness, and loss of motion caused by fluid buildup and tissue deterioration in and around the joints. This is because the body’s immune system attacks the membrane that lines the joints with arthritis, and CBD is great at reducing the swelling while boosting the immune system.
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A CBD-based botanical drug approved in the United Kingdom by the name of Sativex may be able to promote significant improvements in motion-related pains, quality and duration of sleep, and pain while resting.
One study from 2006 concluded that cannabidiol was capable of doing all of these things in 58 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. It also revealed that CBD was capable of suppressing disease activity. [2]
Some individuals have also sworn by using CBD products to help manage their period pain.
These studies indicate that cannabidiol is not only safe but that it may have some serious therapeutic potential as well.
This is where things get more interesting:
Not only is CBD safe and well-tolerated by the majority of people, but it also has even more to offer than calming, anxiety-reducing, and pain-relieving effects. (Click to Tweet)
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1.1 Benefits of CBD
Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits CBD has been shown to offer. This is not an exhaustive list, but a summary of some prominent benefits studies and individuals have noted.
CBD May Reduce Symptoms of PTSD
One study conducted in 2018 observed 11 individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after combining CBD with routine psychiatric care for eight weeks. Ten out of the 11 individuals noticed a decrease in symptoms associated with their daily dose of CBD. [3]
RELATED: How CBD Oil Helps Deal with PTSD
CBD May Help Control Addiction to Opioids
One study focused on administering cannabidiol to individuals with heroin use disorder. After only one week, it was noted that CBD was able to reduce cravings, withdrawal anxiety, salivary cortisol levels, and resting heart rate dramatically. [4]
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CBD May Help Ease Complications Associated with Diabetes
Studies done on human cells revealed that cannabidiol reduced the effects of high glucose levels on various cells found throughout the body. Researchers also found that CBD was able to decrease their resistin levels, which is what causes resistance to insulin. It also increased glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptides, which is a hormone that ensures the proper release of insulin from foods that have been digested. [3]
Studies such as this may be indicative of CBD offering major benefits to patients with diabetes since cannabidiol may help the body regulate insulin-related hormones. It may also be beneficial for those with plaque buildup in the arteries and other diabetic complications.
1.2 Who Should Be Using CBD?
Many individuals of varying ages, backgrounds, genders, and lifestyles have used cannabidiol successfully for a wide spectrum of issues. While the compound is incredibly popular today, it doesn’t mean that it’s going to work miracles for everyone.
First of all, pregnant or nursing women are strongly advised against using any cannabis products by the FDA. The risks are unknown; therefore, the organization recommends that all pregnant or breastfeeding women avoid them.
Here’s the thing to remember:
Of course, everyone is different and will likely react differently to certain substances when compared to others. Some have found that CBD doesn’t make too much difference for them, while others have found that cannabidiol has completely changed their lives.
The level of absorption and your reaction to ingesting CBD depends on various factors, including:
- The quality and ingredients found within your CBD product
- How long you’ve been taking it (CBD requires some patience, as it will need to build up in your system before you notice any results)
- Your unique metabolism, biochemistry, and genetics
- Delivery method (tinctures, topicals and balms, edibles, vaping products, infused flowers, capsules, etc.)
CBD is not as understood and thoroughly researched as other options for treatment—like prescription medications, for example. To this day, we are still trying to figure out the best practices in regard to ingestion to ensure maximum absorption and efficacy.
One thing we do know is that using CBD is not black and white. It isn’t typically a simple or cheap process to find the right brand, product, and dosage. It takes patience, time, and research. However, if you put effort into making sure you purchase the right CBD product, it will be worth it in the end. If you’d like a little help on how to choose, this guide will point you in the right direction.
2. Should CBD Oil Be Used Daily?
CBD can be used daily, but that doesn’t automatically mean that everyone should be using it every day. It’s important to listen to your body; if a certain dose doesn’t agree with you or the product itself isn’t reacting well with you, lower the dose or change it. Finding good CBD is going to require trial and error.
Do what works best for you, but also remember that dosage instructions were placed on packaging and labels to help you. You can always start with the recommended dose and experiment once you know how it affects you.
RELATED: 8 CBD Benefits That You Should Consider
2.1 Has CBD Been Declared Safe by the WHO?
The World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed naturally occurring cannabidiol as safe and well-tolerated by both humans and animals, and it is not typically associated with any negative health effects. (Click to Tweet)
CBD oil for dogs has also become increasingly popular over recent years. Many pet owners have found success using cannabidiol to manage their pup’s separation anxiety.
RELATED: CBD Oil Effects Declared Safe by WHO
3. Common CBD Oil Side Effects
Some of the most common side effects associated with using CBD include gastrointestinal issues, drowsiness & fatigue, reduced appetite, interactions with certain medications, and nausea. Let’s quickly go over each of these side effects.
Drowsiness, fatigue, and some degree of sedation have been reported in some users. This can also be looked at as a benefit for certain individuals who struggle with lack of sleep or the inability to fall asleep. Something to keep in mind is that CBD should probably not be combined with other sedating prescription medications, as it can amplify the effects.
Gastrointestinal Issues
Some users have reported stomach upset, diarrhea, or liver issues when using cannabidiol. This, however, is completely dependent on the individual and their medical history. Those who have had liver problems in the past may notice that issues arise once they begin taking CBD, and those who have sensitive stomachs may find themselves feeling uneasy after ingesting their dose.
Dry Mouth
Also commonly referred to as “cottonmouth,” cannabidiol can cause your mouth to dry out at times. While this effect tends to be more prominent while using Delta-9 THC, it can also be observed occasionally in CBD use. Sometimes, your eyes can feel dry with CBD use as well.
Can Interact with Other Medications
You must speak with your doctor or do thorough research if you’re already taking other medications to see which ones may interact with the CBD. Speaking to your doctor about introducing cannabidiol can clear up any concerns you may have, and they’ll be able to tell you whether it can be taken in conjunction with your current medication(s).
RELATED: Pharmaceutical Drug Interaction with CBD?
Sometimes individuals will notice nausea or stomach upset after taking their dose of CBD. As we mentioned before about gastrointestinal issues, this boils down to the person taking the cannabidiol. Everyone is different; some people may feel queasy after taking CBD, and others may not feel a thing.
4. Can You Take Too Much CBD?
Yes, absolutely! You can take too much of virtually anything. This means you may experience some unwanted, uncomfortable side effects if you were to take a bit too much cannabidiol. Some of the symptoms associated with taking too much CBD can include:
- Drowsiness
- Lethargy
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Upset Stomach
- Increased heart rate
- Tremors
Keep in mind that it is highly improbable that you would be “overdosing” on CBD. You may have taken more than you bargained for, but not to worry—these side effects are not serious or life-threatening. (Click to Tweet)
Some rest, breathing exercises, and staying hydrated will help you feel much better.
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5. Why the Delivery Method Matters
It's important to note that the different delivery methods may significantly alter the amount of CBD that is absorbed. For example, tinctures taken sublingually are going to pack a bigger punch of cannabidiol than a few CBD-infused gummies. (Click to Tweet)
The reason behind this is that when tinctures are taken sublingually, the effects are faster and stronger because the CBD has more time to circulate through the bloodstream. When traveling sublingually, cannabidiol only faces degradation caused by salivary enzymes.
When taken orally, the CBD is digested, and much of the active compound is compromised and destroyed in your stomach acids. This results in an even smaller dose of CBD than what the label on your gummies or candy bar states.
This is what’s cool:
Something that gives you the best of both worlds is our Advanced Liposomal CBD formula. This can be easily combined with food or drink and can be ingested orally without facing as much damage. Liposomal formulas are great because they protect the cannabidiol while it travels along your digestive system, and as a result, the absorption rate is increased. This is due to the liposomes, or microscopic fat molecules, that surround and protect the CBD.
6. How to Store Your CBD Properly
CBD oil should always be kept in its original packaging, as this will prevent unnecessary exposure to air. You’ll also want to be sure you store your bottle of cannabidiol in a dark place at room temperature.
Some people like to refrigerate their CBD oil, which isn’t necessary, but it may be a good idea. Refrigeration would be especially helpful for those who buy their cannabidiol in bulk and want to extend the shelf life so the extras don’t go bad before they get to use them.
Always keep your CBD oil away from air, light, and heat exposure, as all of these factors could potentially ruin your product. Ideal spots for CBD oil are cupboards, drawers, pantries, or cabinets, as the temperature remains cool and there is very little exposure to light in these areas.
The shelf life of CBD is typically around 12–18 months. However, your products will degrade over time if you do not store them properly.
7. Summary: Is CBD Oil Safe?
YES! Cannabidiol is safe. However, it’s not necessarily ideal for everyone. The WHO openly states that CBD is not associated with any serious risks and that it is safe to use in humans and animals.
There are a whole lot of positives that CBD brings to the table—especially in cases where individuals have found success using it for chronic pain, epilepsy, and anxiety. (Click to Tweet)
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If you’re looking for high-quality CBD to add to your regimen, we highly recommend trying out one of our premium cannabidiol products. All products are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! CBD can be a wonderful addition to your daily routine.